
Best Online Loans without Credit Bureau in 2024

February 2, 2024

Below we will show you a list of credit companies in Mexico so that you can find your best option for online loans without credit bureau. But first of all, we want to give you a brief summary of the meaning of credit bureau; and when we talk in Mexico about the subject, we find a financial term that is very common to hear, but in turn, tends to scare or confuse many Mexicans. If we know the context of the subject and use it correctly, we can use it to our advantage and obtain more benefits.

In summary, the credit bureau is a private company, which is directly authorized by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, with the help of the National Banking and Securities Commission and the opinion of the Bank of Mexico(Banxico); therefore, when we enter the credit world as an individual or company, we begin to make a certain history or credit bureau, in short, when you start to acquire a mortgage, apply for a loan or process a card as an individual or company; you automatically enter the credit bureau. The credit bureau indicates in detail the payment behaviors you have had throughout your financial history. All this is issued confidentially, that is, only financial institutions that are affiliated to the credit bureau can access it and all this data is issued by companies that have credit facilities (e.g. department stores or automotive) or by financial institutions (e.g. banks, insurance companies, investment brokers).

Once we have all that information collected and issued by those companies, it starts to be reflected as numerical scores. So each of the decisions you make regarding the payment of your debts; will have a great influence on that score. And that is why it is of utmost importance; as previously mentioned, that you have a little more context with its true meaning and what it entails, since you can use it to your advantage.

Keep in mind that before applying for a new loan or a new credit card, you should also be very clear about all the company's payment agreements. All this is so that you do not get a bad score for not paying them on time; in any case it is best to have a history that shows that you are a person who pays the companies on time and that your credit bureau has an excellent credit history.

Now, knowing all this information; probably when you get here you have probably realized that you don't have a credit bureau or that you already have one, but with a bad score; and you still want to apply for a loan or any credit service. Let us tell you that you are in the right place, and all is not lost, because there are companies that do not necessarily require this credit information. So we share with you the best options, in this case, focusing on the best options for you to get a loan without credit bureau.

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Best No Credit Report Online Loans in 2024

Kueski Loans rating
Apply now


From $300 MXN to $23,500 MXN

Interest Rate


Monthly Income

Not applicable

Credit History

No bureau

Moneyman Loans rating
Apply now


From $1,000 MXN to $30,000 MXN

Interest Rate

0% a 424.80%

Monthly Income

Not applicable

Credit History

No bureau

Lime24 Loans rating
Apply now


From $1,000 MXN to $14,000 MXN

Interest Rate


Monthly Income

Not applicable

Credit History

No bureau

Cashclick Loans rating
Apply now


From $2,000 MXN to $10,000 MXN

Interest Rate


Monthly Income

Not applicable

Credit History

No bureau

Prestadero Loans rating
Apply now


From $10,000 MXN to $300,000 MXN

Interest Rate


Monthly Income

Not applicable

Credit History

No bureau

Baubap Loans rating
Apply now


From $500 MXN to $5,000 MXN

Interest Rate


Monthly Income

Not applicable

Credit History

No bureau

Unimex Loans rating
Apply now


From $5,000 MXN to $80,000 MXN

Interest Rate


Monthly Income

Not applicable

Credit History

No bureau

To summarize:

In Mexico Buró de Crédito is an authorized private entity, which records credit history when acquiring loans, mortgages or cards. This history is translated into numerical scores; influenced by payment behaviors, and is accessible only by affiliated institutions. Before applying for loans, it is crucial to understand payment arrangements and maintain a positive history by paying on time. Despite a bad credit score, there are options for loans without credit bureau review, providing affordable alternatives for those seeking credit services.

Definition of Buró de Crédito:
It is a private entity authorized by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.
It registers credit history when acquiring mortgages, loans or cards.
Payment behaviors are reflected in numerical scores, issued confidentially.

Importance of Buró de Crédito:
The financial decisions you make directly affect your credit score.

Contextualizing the meaning and its functionality is vital to use it to your advantage; if other companies see that you pay on time, they can offer you more services and greater benefits.

Tips for Maintaining a Good Credit History:
Before applying for loans or cards, understand the payment agreements so that you have reflected in your history that you pay on time.

Timely payments are key to maintaining an excellent credit history.

With this guide, we offer you the best options to obtain online loans without the need to check your credit bureau, providing you with solutions even if your credit history is not perfect. In summary, some important points of the best options for online loans without credit bureau that exist in Mexico are:

1. Lime24: Offers loans with no credit history required. Amounts from 1,000 to 14,000 pesos with terms from 7 to 35 days. 100% online process, transparent and without extra commissions. Response in maximum 7 business days.

Requirements: Be of legal age, have official ID, own phone and a bank account.

2. Cashclick: No credit history required. Amounts from 2,000 to 10,000 pesos with weekly or biweekly payment options for 3 to 4 months. Minimum requirements.
Requirements: Recent proof of address, official identification, age between 18 and 70 years old, Mexican nationality.

3. Prestadero: No credit history required, you only need a bank account. Offers the Prestapal product for people with bad credit history, allowing them to get investors for their loan. Amounts from 10 thousand to 300 thousand pesos.

Requirements: Official ID, proof of address, and bank account in specific banks.

4. Baubap: No credit history required, only a bank account. Loyalty program that reimburses part of the interest. Online process and rewards for punctuality.

Requirements: Be of legal age, official ID, Mexican nationality and bank account.

5. Unimex: Fully online process, few requirements and several payment channels. Pre-approval in less than 3 minutes. Response and deposit in 48 hours or less. Payment option from 3 to 24 months.
Requirements: Official ID, age between 21 and 71 years old, fixed address, stable employment, Unimex bank account, and minimum monthly income of 8,000 MXN.

One of the great advantages of bureau-free online loans is the ease and speed of application. This type of service has become a practical solution for those who need money urgently. In addition, many clients find in these loans an alternative when they have an unfavorable credit history.

When considering a bureau-free loan, it is important to understand that the interest rate can vary significantly between companies. These interest rates are usually higher than conventional loans due to the higher risk assumed by the lending institutions. Therefore, it is crucial to compare different options and have a good understanding of the terms and conditions.

The process to apply for a bureau-free loan online is generally simple and quick. Often, only an official ID, such as the INE, and a few other basic documents are required. This makes the possibility of obtaining credit accessible to a greater number of users.

In addition, the granting of these loans is almost always done digitally, through online platforms or apps. This represents a great convenience for customers, since they can complete the entire process from home or even from their cell phones. This accessibility is one of the reasons for its popularity in Mexico.

Another important aspect is the amount of online loans. The amounts offered can vary significantly, depending on the company and the client's profile. Some lenders offer small amounts for one-time needs, while others may grant larger amounts for larger projects.

The requirements for these loans are usually minimal, making them a viable option for many people. Generally, no collateral or guarantees are required, which facilitates access to these services to a wider sector of the population. However, it is always advisable to read the contract carefully and understand all the conditions.

As for the repayment term, these online loans offer various options. Some allow for short-term payments, while others can be spread over several months or even years. This flexibility allows customers to choose the term that best suits their financial situation.

Despite these advantages, it is important to consider the interest and fees associated with these loans. Sometimes the additional costs can be significant, so it is essential to compare and understand all interest rates and fees before agreeing to a loan.

One of the great advantages of these services is the possibility of improving your credit score. By obtaining a bureau-free loan online and making payments on time, customers can begin to build or improve their credit history. This can open the door to better terms on future credit.

In Mexico, these loan options are becoming increasingly popular, especially among younger people looking for quick and hassle-free financial solutions. Ease of access and speed in the process are key factors that attract this segment of the population.

It is important for users to be well informed before taking out a loan. Social networks and online lists can be useful tools for comparing options and reading opinions from other clients. Correct and up-to-date information is crucial to make an informed decision.

In summary, no-bureau online loans offer an affordable and flexible option for those who need money quickly. However, as with any financial decision, it is essential to understand all terms and conditions to avoid future problems or misunderstandings.

Finally, it is vital to remember that while these loans can be an immediate solution, they should be considered as part of a long-term financial strategy. Responsible management of personal finances is key to maintaining good financial health.

Don't forget that information is crucial to make good and better decisions, and the more timely the information, the better the results. Especially if we talk about specific financial issues, such as the credit bureau. Don't forget that we can use this type of tools to our advantage and that once the agreements are signed, we can improve our history and have more opportunities to make our lives easier. As your best option for online loans without credit bureau.

About the author
Juan Guerreo

Juan Guerreo

Juan Guerreo loves eating ice cream and writing about finance